Buy a T-Shirt! Perfect for any occasion—
seduction or sedition!
You are liking old-timey warmth and curvature of digital plastic instead of harsh ones and zeros of streaming? Great luck! We have CD ready to ship anywhere in continental US and maybe elsewhere!
We do not have third product yet, so here is photo of pottery which comes free with website!
Conceptual Art

“This band may be the greatest argument in favor of a blanket halt to immigration and First Amendment protections for musicians.”
— Senator Howard Tankerbell
The Creative Process
Composer Anatoli Stanislav describes the creative process.
Songs in a Robin’s Egg
Lyricist Konstantinos Stanislav describes turning political despair into poetry.
Annotated Lyrics
A XX-page document containing full, unedited lyrics to ATLAS SHARTED with history and citations, as well as a variety of exclusive art, insights, and assorted nonsense of this nature.
“What is this American Dream? Do the authority a good turn: satisfactory grades, follow of rules, make money and buy shiny refuse, pay taxes, turn the other cheek—the good things of life. Comply, and be reward; resist, and be condemned to a life of minimum waged slavery, crippling medical bills, and spiritual prostitution. And then, November 2016, POW! The dream had to rent a second asshole for all the poop pouring forth. This American Dream, a promissory note writ on toilet paper, under the strain of the improbable turd—a self-admitted pervert, cheater, defiler of all things decent—broke, and our fingers have been stained with shit ever since.”
— Konstantinos Stanislav
“The writings of Ayn Rand have enraptured assholes in this country since 1943. They’ve clogged up the minds of the young and frustrated, assuring them that lies of meritocracy are founded in the natural order, that ruthless selfishness and an almost fanatical devotion to free market economics is key to a functional society. We now find ourselves rolling in effluent created by the digestion of those ideas. Change your underwear, America: There’s a shart in there. ”
— Anatoli Stanislav
The Stanislav Cousins emigrated to America from the Old Country in the early ‘10s, and upon their general disappointment in the cultural offerings, began making music shortly thereafter to fill what they perceived as an “experimental, herring-shaped hole” in the music scene of Missoula, Montana.
After honing their skills on their first EP Chernobyl Intentions and accompanying first music video, the cousins formalized their music making under the name Soviet Fourth Grader, a name that emerged when Balisglad Stanislav posed the question, “What’s the intelligence of the average american adult?” in the preamble to a herring eating contest.
They were in a prime position to capture a moment in time which has shaken the very assumptions upon which late stage capitalism was poised to proceed—namely that people will follow big idiots off a cliff if that idiot is just shouting loud enough that it’s someone else’s fault. Already, they are working on their next project, an exploration of consumerist themes played out in a battle for the hearts and minds of America between Jeff Bezos and a talking dolphin.